I suspect I know why people have been asking about appeals. There was what you might call a high-profile criminal conviction in the news this week.
I plan to talk about appeals in general. I'll also offer insights into the work of a criminal appellate defense lawyer. For example, this was my cycle:
Get a new record. Begin reading. Think: "OMG my client screwed up big time. I won't be able to do anything with this one."🤦♀️
Keep reading. Do some research.
Identify an issue. Think: "This might work."
Read some more. Think: "I can raise this."
Write the argument.
Final stage: "I should win this!"💪
This will be a fun blog post because I included a test.
All About Appeals is here.
Very informative!
This is so fascinating! One positive takeaway form this horrid era of Trump is learning so much about our legal systems. Thank you Teri.